PRESS RELEASE: ENERGY Transportation Group Opens Chattanooga Division

4 years ago

The Chattanooga division brings ENERGY's total number of locations to five and further cements the company's role as a major…

Meet the team – James MacPherson Interview

4 years ago

ENERGY’s Meet the Team Series is meant to showcase some of the exceptional talent we have on our team. It’s…

Meet the Team: Justin McAfee & the Chattanooga Division

4 years ago

We sat down with Justin McAfee, a national account manager who is part of the incredible team at ENERGY's newest branch…

ENERGY recognized as a Top Fleet Employer 2021

4 years ago

OTTAWA, ON (March 29, 2021)— Trucking HR Canada, today announced seventy-seven of the best trucking and logistics industry workplaces in…

The item you wanted is out of stock; who’s to blame?

4 years ago

We would expect with the traditional peak season behind us, freight volumes will drop off in January, right? If we…

Pandemic Survival: Logistics Lessons Learned

4 years ago

 A forward-looking interview with industry experts at Energy Transportation Group Trucking is North America’s lifeblood. The COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread…

Reducing Logistics Complexity in your Global Healthcare Supply Chain

5 years ago

It shouldn't take a pandemic to highlight the importance of the Life Sciences and Healthcare industry in today's societies.  Yet,…

The Story of the Vine

5 years ago

2020 will be memorable. Its already proving to have its own unique challenges. Just when you don’t think it can…

Update: Border Crossings Lessen as only “Essential” Business Remains Open

5 years ago

Last week, the CBSA (Canadian Border Service Agency) noted that truck crossings between Canada and the USA were down 24%…

The Shared Border between the USA and Canada will Remain Open for Trade

5 years ago

We've been fielding a lot of calls this week from our customers who have a shared concern about how border…